Bi-Weekly Geopolitical Report – Middle Eastern Stock Markets: An Overview (February 10, 2025)

by Daniel Ortwerth, CFA  | PDF

All the attention paid to the strong performance of United States stock markets in recent years can easily distract us from what might be happening in other markets around the world. A quick review of global stock markets reveals that one region, the Middle East, has seen its market capitalization grow more rapidly over the last 10 years than any other region, including the US. This prompts an investigation into the reasons. Should investors give more consideration to the Middle East, or might there be other factors at play that explain the growth without necessarily translating into investable opportunities?

This report begins with a review of the global stock market, categorized by region and country. We next take a closer look at the fastest growing Middle Eastern markets, and we finish with considerations about the potential future for Middle Eastern stocks. As always, we conclude the report with investment implications.

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Asset Allocation Bi-Weekly – American Exceptionalism and the Markets (February 3, 2025)

by the Asset Allocation Committee | PDF

We suspect many investors today think the “American Exceptionalism” they studied in high school or college no longer applies to the United States, given the challenges it faces from the rise of China, the country’s own enormous debt load, or its sharp political divisions. However, as we survey the global landscape in these still-early days of 2025, we are struck by the unusually positive trends we see in the US. Below, we lay out the US’s current economic growth, relatively smooth political transition, and outstanding stock market performance compared with other key countries. The US certainly has near-term challenges, but we think investors should understand how positively the US compares with many other investment regions today.

Based on initial estimates, US gross domestic product in 2024 was up an inflation-adjusted 2.8% from the previous year, modestly beating the average growth rate of 2.1% over the last 20 years. As we’ve noted previously, some US economic sectors are struggling, especially those that are sensitive to high interest rates or depend on lower-income consumers. Still, data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) shows that the US was one of only three major advanced countries to grow faster than their 20-year average last year (the others were Italy and Spain). Moreover, the IMF estimates the US economy will grow 2.2% in 2025, again a bit above its 20-year average and better than all major advanced countries except for Canada.

Another underappreciated development in the US has been the smooth transition of political power since the November election. Of course, nearly half of US voters were disappointed by the Republican Party’s broad victory. All the same, US citizens of all persuasions have benefited from the fact that the election and transfer of power were completed without the widespread political violence many feared. The US’s overall political stability has been confirmed, and President Trump’s apparently clear mandate to effectuate change may well be better than the fractious, unstable coalitions and paralyzed minority governments that plague Europe and Asia today. For example, the charts below show the current party breakdowns of the US House of Representatives and the German Bundestag.

Finally, because of the US’s continued strong economic momentum and the clear runway for Trump to implement his program of supporting business and cutting regulation, it should be no surprise that US stocks have outperformed most other key markets. As shown in the chart below, the MSCI USA total return stock index rose 25.1% in 2024, while the MSCI ACWI ex-USA All Cap Index provided a total return of just 5.7%. Taking a somewhat longer view, the USA index provided an average annual total return of 14.6% over the last five years, handily beating the average total return of 4.6% for the ACWI ex-USA index. Of course, past performance doesn’t necessarily show what will happen in the future, especially since US stocks on average are very highly valued when compared with foreign stocks. Nevertheless, we think the relatively strong political and economic environment of the US should help support the country’s stock values in the near term. This environment has helped US firms dominate some of the world’s most important, innovative, high-growth stock sectors, such as Information Technology and Communication Services. US stock market capitalization is now heavily concentrated in those sectors. Of course, this creates the risk of a US correction or rotation to value stocks, small cap stocks, or other sectors. For now, however, it positions the US stock market to continue performing well as long as investors continue pouring funds into large, innovative, high-growth companies.

In sum, as we noted in our 2025 Outlook: A Year of Political and Policy Change, we expect US stocks to continue providing good returns in the coming months, albeit with the potential for volatility stemming from geopolitical events, policy changes, and the potential for stock market leadership to rotate between size, style, and sectors. This isn’t to say that there won’t be opportunities in foreign stocks or other asset classes. There certainly will be, and keen-eyed investors will likely be able to identify them. Many investors will also want to maintain exposure to foreign stocks and other asset classes for diversification purposes. All the same, this big-picture analysis suggests that US stocks should have the most wind at their backs in 2025.

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Asset Allocation Bi-Weekly – Presidential Cycles and Stock Performance (September 30, 2024)

by the Asset Allocation Committee | PDF

As the November elections approach, there has been significant debate over which presidential candidate — former President Donald Trump or Vice President Kamala Harris — would be better for US equity markets. Both candidates have made bold promises about their plans to boost national prosperity. Trump has vowed to reduce burdensome regulations and deliver tax cuts to households and businesses, while Harris has advocated tax incentives for homebuilders to boost supply, address housing affordability, and help bring down the cost of living.

While both candidates have reasonable policy goals but differing policy prescriptions, their overall impact on investor portfolios may likely be similar. Contrary to popular belief, presidents have had limited influence on equity returns. An analysis of the S&P 500’s performance from 1930 to 2023 shows that stocks have provided a return of about 30%, on average, over a typical four-year term, with the returns under Republican presidents only slightly topping the returns under Democrats.

The key reason for the similar outcome is that presidents are often constrained by the conditions they inherit. These include the state of the economy, the composition of Congress, and monetary policy. While a president may have some influence over these factors, their ability to shape them is largely determined by the circumstances they receive in the election. A popular president may secure a Congress with a substantial majority, enabling them to pass key legislation and select their preferred candidate as the chair of the Federal Reserve. That said, such a strong majority with unified government is not the norm.

Historically, stock market performance during US presidential election years has been influenced by the broader economic trends in place at the time. While equities under Republican administrations often outperform Democratic administrations in election years, Democrats close the gap over the first and second years following the election. This tendency is largely attributed to the economic conditions that new Democratic presidents frequently inherit. Democrat victories often coincide with economic downturns, allowing for stimulus measures that eventually help asset prices recover. Conversely, Republican administrations tend to benefit from a “continuity rally” following the positive economic performance in the year prior to the election.

During their first year, Democrats tend to get off to a better start but ultimately suffer the same fate of stagnation. New presidents often enjoy greater flexibility to provide more fiscal and monetary stimulus, helping to improve the economy. This can boost market optimism. By their second term, however, leaders typically face diminished support, making it more difficult to pass significant legislation in the first year. This predictability, while not without its challenges, can often be positive for equities.

In contrast, new Republican administrations often inherit a tougher policy environment in the first year, marked by higher inflation and tighter monetary policies. Historically, average policy rates have been roughly three times higher under Republicans (7.8%) than under Democrats (2.4%); inflation rates have also been higher (5.1% vs. 3.0%, respectively). With the exception of the Nixon-Ford administration, second-term Republican presidents generally fare better than their first-term counterparts, for similar reasons as second-term Democrats.

In the following year, midterm elections significantly shape market sentiment as Congress goes through a reshuffle. Democrats often get the worst of it and lose an average of 28 House seats and 3 Senate seats, while Republicans typically lose 21 House seats and 1 Senate seat. This shift in Congress leads to concerns about the future of recent policy decisions by Democrats, creating uncertainty as markets gauge the potential impact on future policy. Conversely, Republicans’ relative successes in midterms often signal confidence in the president’s leadership, boosting expectations of policy continuity and benefiting equities.

The third year of a presidential term, leading up to the election, often sees strong economic performance for both parties. This trend can partly be attributed to political gridlock, which limits major legislative changes and creates a stable environment favorable to the stock market. While brief market dips may occur, particularly under Democratic presidents due to budget negotiations that introduce uncertainty, these downturns are typically followed by a rebound, reflecting investors’ confidence in the broader economic trajectory.

In sum, presidents are often labeled as either pro-market or anti-market, but research suggests that their influence on the economy and stock market is often overestimated. A president’s first year is typically focused on addressing ongoing economic challenges. The second year can be more uncertain, as the composition of Congress is solidified. The third year often sees a boost in the market because of investors’ preference for political gridlock. For investors, this election cycle highlights the importance of focusing on broader economic factors, monetary policy, and the composition of Congress. While the presidency can play a role, it’s essential to consider the bigger picture.

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