Keller Quarterly

Keller Quarterly (October 2015)

Letter to Investors Back before talk radio became the domain of either political opinionates or “shock talkers,” it was dominated by the friendly conversation of morning humorists in the path established by Arthur Godfrey.  Here in St. Louis, a very funny fellow named Jack Carney dominated the airwaves in the mid-morning for a generation.  At… Read More »

Keller Quarterly (July 2015)

Letter to Investors I once had a seventh grade teacher tell my class how lucky we were to be citizens of the United States.  Of course, we all took it for granted.  We didn’t know anything different…but she did.  You see, Mrs. Danishevsky, who taught us Russian, had emigrated from the Soviet Union and knew… Read More »

Keller Quarterly (April 2015)

Letter to Investors We lead off this quarterly letter where we ended our previous one, with the same quotation by Ben Graham, the father of securities analysis.  He wrote in his wonderful book, The Intelligent Investor, “Indeed, the investor’s chief problem – and even his worst enemy – is likely to be himself.”  What a… Read More »

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